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Hitting the Heartbreaker in the Head

Just like lust, you make my legs weak
But you kill me when you let me sink

Infatuation drowns and is unforgiving.

You’re reading the enticing signs
Reading blindly as they lure you
Like love letters whispering,
“Here’s a beautiful direction for you...”
…ultimately teasing you

You hike to the Highway of Her
You're a little pet, a little slave,
You’re lost, a dense little tool

Your perception’s distorted
And I guess so is mine…
The signs of attraction
Love to lie.

Do you really believe that she’s
Your ride to fulfillment?
You’re roadmap to intimacy?
When you don’t even know
That intimacy touches mind,
Not skin?

You sacrificed me for a road to nowhere.


Take a pit stop.

Look at what you’ve left behind.